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Attributes govern various aspects of each companion's performance in battle and resource expenditure in the world. They are increased using Aptitude Points which are gained each time a comapnion levels up and through various interactions in the game world. By default, a random subset of attributes are available to upgraded by 1 or 2 points each time an Aptitude Point is used. The Career Path Knowledge can be used to spend Influence to allow any attribute to be increased by 1 for 10 Influence or 2 for 40 Influence points.


Increases the skill damage based on Strength and Critical Damage.


Increases the skill damage based on Dexterity and Critical Hit.


Determines how much Health the unit has and increases their Carrying Capacity.


Used to boost the troop's Morale in combat. Also increases the Critical Hit.

At 12 Willpower the unit will resist death once per encounter.

Critical Hit

Determines the % of chance an attack will land a critical hit and deal additional damage.


Allows the unit to move around in combat.


The cost in Krowns to keep this unit happy. Must be paid every 3 days.


Daily [Food] consumption during [Rest].

Carrying Capacity

Increases the weight that can be carried in the Inventory.